Can I still access my account after cancellation?

1 min. readlast update: 11.01.2024

When you cancel your syndicate, it simply means you’ve chosen to stop future payments.

You won’t be participating in that particular syndicate anymore, but you can continue to log into your account as usual, allowing you to enjoy all the other benefits of our service:

Bonus Credit: You’ll still have access to any bonus credit in your account, which you can use to purchase tickets for your favorite lotteries.

Reward Points: Your accumulated reward points remain available, allowing you to play any of the free games on our site. With a large selection, you’re sure to find games that suit your interests!

Jackpot Triggers: You can set up jackpot triggers for your preferred lotteries. This feature allows you to specify a desired jackpot value, and when it hits that amount, you’ll automatically be entered into the draw, ensuring you never miss out on a chance to win!

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