Why can't I play games?

1 min. readlast update: 03.31.2023

 Our games are designed to be played in-between draws to maximise your chances of winning. To get the full Lotto Social experience, why not join one of our ongoing syndicates? By joining a syndicate, you can win big regularly and you can also win reward points, bonus credit and cash prizes!  

You can visit our Store and view all our exciting products here: https://app.lottosocial.com/mainTabs/tabs/store 

If you're already in a syndicate and unable to play games, please speak with our Digital Assistant by clicking the 'Need Help' widget at the bottom of the help screen. 

Our 24/7 live chat team is also on hand to assist you via our Digital Assistant. Please take a screenshot of the issue where applicable so our support team can identify the issue as soon as possible.  

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